Wednesday, January 11, 2012

WOW---so life has changed

Hi Everyone or Anyone who actually reads my blog.  I haven't logged in since December 27th I think it last stated. Biggest thing thta has happened is that my husband was layed off from his job. It worries me a lot beceause we have 2 young boys and our health insurnace was through his company. YIKES! Keeping positive though and we will work through this.  Only living off my income is going to be very hard. I am not famous or I don't even make that good of money but bright side is that we all have our health. Adam is an amazing man and a very hard worker (which his world lacks) so it's his companies loss and some other companies gain. So, if anyone knows of anyone hiring a Quality Assurance personal or anything...he will apply. Thanks in advance.

PINK method....well i am doing it still. I have started their workout program two days ago and man am I sore today. I have a hard time even sitting down. YIKES do my legs burn. I haven't lost hardly any weight though and I am eating their program. So as far as results that are promised....not seeing it.  I also have facebooked and emailed the owner of PINK method (Cynthia Pasquella) about getting help or infomation on the product. I was very excited that she responded to me and asked me a few questions to help me be successful. This was on December 20. I responded to her within 1 hour of receiving her email and have not heard back from her since. I have send two more follow ups, thinking maybe she just didn't get the first one, but nope....nothing.  I don't like that. I think that if you believe in your product you should support it. That could just be me. I am going to keep plugging away at it though. This way if your interested in it, you can get true and real information. I don't have anything to loose from telling you the truth.

So, wish me luck and good luck to you on the New Year! 2012 is not looking up for my family but with a positive attitude....we WILL be successful!

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