Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 1 of starting the Pink Method weight loss program

I have started my life style change effective today. I am excited about the program and I am hoping to stay super pumped about it while I do it.  I am going to try to blog about the it. It's called the Pink Method. You can find out more about the program at if your interested. My aunt and I are going this challenge together and heck if you want to join us...GREAT!! They send you the whole packet and the system, I didn't think was that expensive. You purchase your own food an prepare it your self so non of that nasty prepare meals and if you think about it, you know exactly what your cooking. I am not a "organic" freak but I do stay away from some preservatives.  This will help me learn new eating habits and also change my taste buds from cheeseburgers, YUMMY french fries, pizza, ice cream, and pretty much anything that is not good for me. I LOVE bad food. I am hoping to loose 40 lbs by June. Very realistic if I stick with it.  Its not good feeling tired all the time and I have surpassed that a long time ago. I am not doing this for anyone else (well maybe a little for my kids) but my self.

For breakfast I have a Pink Drink 1. Honestly, it's okay. I am definitely not going to tell you that it's so delicious because I would be lying to you but what can you expect when there is no sugar in it. I am typing this and drinking it down (slowly). I am very excited for lunch though. I have this amazing HUGE salad with chicken. YUM YUM YUM!! Not excited form the stewed tomatoes though.  Dinner-well it's way to early to think about that one.

Wish me LUCK!! I'll let you know how it goes.

Update....okay I have been snacking on my lunch since about noon today. My salad is almost gone but it still has a bit left. I haven't even attempted to eat my stewed tomatoes (that I didn't picture) yet. The breakfast shake was filling. I am SOOOO craving is twizlers though. Oh how I love Twizzlers. Any kind, the pull apart ones, the small cut up ones, the oringals, any. Can you tell I am a junk food junky? I didn't get overweight for no reason.  Talked to my Aunt and she is doing good. No cravings yet but she has more will power than I do. I'm closing my eyes right now and inserting a cucumber into my mouth and imaging it is a Twizzler. YUM!! It tastes nothing like it....who am I kidding.

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